Best IGCSE Schools in Kenya Fee and Contacts
In Kenya Education is considered the key to success, however, do you know that education in Kenya is offered in different curriculums. Many people know about the 8-4-4 system, which has 8 years of primary, 4 years of secondary, and four years of University. The 8-4-4 system was introduced in 1985, by former president Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi. On the other hand, there is IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education ). A system offered in International Schools in Kenya and Worldwide
In the early Years, IGCSE schools in Kenya were seen as expensive and only belonged to the rich people only. However, with the growth rate of the Kenyan economy in the present day, many middle-class families have adopted the system, hence increasing the demand for more International Schools in Kenya. At the moment Kenya is one of the Countries in Africa which has a stable economy and favors the establishment of International schools. In addition, compared to the early years when the International school had more foreign students than Kenyans, nowadays the population of Kenyan students studying in Group of Schools has surpassed that of the foreigners. This shows that Kenyans have realized the importance of this curriculum and they have fully embraced it. One of the reasons most parents prefer these schools, is they are privately owned, hence chances of teachers’ strike or any other form of dispute is unlikely to happen. Education in these schools is of top quality since most of the teachers hired in these schools are highly qualified and are paid.
IGCSE was introduced in Kenya in 1988, and in this system, certification is given at the Class 10 levels. Unlike the 8-4-4 system which is offered in all the public schools and another private school countrywide, the IGCSE is offered in International schools which are commonly known as a “Group of Schools”. Since IGCSE is an International program it’s usually assessed by two bodies, Edexcel ( London Examination ) and Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), both based in the United Kingdom.
Compared with the 8-4-4, IGCSE offers a variety of different subjects with more practical while learning. When a candidate passes the IGCSE, he or she is usually eligible to proceed for any +2 level qualification, such as Class 12 CBSE/ICSE. Moreover, in IGCSE grading range is on a scale of 8 from A to G and A+ is the highest grade. Furthermore, the system consists of five groups, and each group has several subjects to choose from. The list below shows some of the Best International Schools in Kenya and how much they pay.
1. Braeburn Schools
The Braeburn Schools are a Group of Internationals Schools based in Kenya and Tanzania. Braeburn offers British/ International curricula and has a population of 3,600 pupils in Kenya and Tanzania. In Kenya, it has different branches such as Braeburn in Nanyuki, Nairobi, Kisumu, and other counties.
Fees Structure 2021
The annual fee for FS1 (Nursery), morning only is 695,700 with a deposit of 50,000. For afternoon care they charge 79,200 annually.
- The annual Fee for FS2 (Reception) is 774, 000 and a deposit of 50,000
- The annual fee for years 1-6 is 1,590,300 and a deposit of 50,000
- The annual fee for years 7-9 is 1,644,900 and a deposit of 50,000
- The annual fee for year 10 is 1,754,100 and a deposit of 50,000
- Annual fee for year 11 (IGCSE) 1,754,100 and deposit od 50, 000.
- The annual fee for years 12 and 13 is 1,876,800 and a deposit of 50,000.
Tel: 020-3875572, 3878161, 3872316
Website: www.braeburn.com
2. Hillcrest International School
Hillcrest is one of the best IGCSE schools in Kenya, founded in 1965 by Frank Thompson and Dorothy Noad. The school started as a preparatory kindergarten and later expanded to a secondary. In addition, it offers a British curriculum, catering for children starting 6months to young adults aged 18 years.
Fee Structure
Termly fee
- Year 11- Ksh 720,800
- Year 12- Ksh761,500
- Year 12/13 – Ksh 567,000
- Year 12/13- Ksh 632, 100
- Year 12/13- 697,200
Tell: +254724-255444, +254736256173
Website: https://www.hillcrest.ac.ke/
3. Brookhouse School
Brookhouse School was founded in 1981 and it follows the British National Curriculum. The school caters to early years preparatory and secondary education.
Fee Structure 2021
Yearly Fee
- Little Brookies- Ksh 90,000
- Pre-school- Ksh 245,000
- Recption- Ksh 260,000
- Year1- Ksh 325, 000
- Year 2-5- Ksh 575,000 ( Boarding- Ksh 1,025,000).
- Year 6-8- Ksh 625,000 ( Boarding- Ksh 1,075,000).
- Year 9-10- Ksh 695,000 (Boarding- Ksh 1,145,000).
- BTEC courses- Ksh 335,000 (Boarding 785,000).
Tell: +25420866300
Website: www.brookhouse.ac.ke
4. Peponi School
Peponi School is located in Ruiru, Kenya and it was founded in 1989. The school is English language independent. In Peponi students sit for their final exams at the age of 16.
Fee Structure.
Annual Fees
- Age 13 Grade 8 Ksh 2,194,530
- Age 14 Grade 9 Ksh 2,194,530
- Age 15 Grade 10 Ksh 2,194,530
- Age 16 Grade 11 Ksh 2,194,530
- Age 17 Grade 12 Ksh 2,194,530
Tell: +2546725058
Website: www.peponihouseschool.co.ke
5. Svenska Skolan I Nairobi
In Skolan, most of the students are from Scandinavian countries. In addition, the tutors who are hired in this school must be able to teach in Danish, Swedish, Finnish, and Norwegian.
Fee Structure 2021
- Age 9 Grade 4 Ksh 1,114,620
- Age10 Grade 5 Ksh 1,114,620
- Age 11 Grade 6 Ksh 1,114,620
- Age 12 Grade 7 Ksh 1,202,650
Tel: +254203866544
Website: www.ssn.or.ke
6. Rosslyn Academy
The school was founded to offer a North American curriculum to expatriate children and it’s a Christian school. The school is based in Kenya Nairobi and it also offers Advanced Placement courses.
Fee 2021
The school-age ranges from 4- 18, however, they have not yet disclosed any information about their fee structure.
Tel: 0207122168
7. Nairobi Japanese School
The school is located in Karen Nairobi and it offers a Japanese Curriculum and it has been approved by the Japanese government. The school mostly teaches in Japanese.
Fee Structure
The school has not yet shared its 2021 fee structure, in case they share the information we will update it as soon as possible.
8. Lycee Denis Diderot
Lycee offers a french curriculum and most of their lesson is taken in french and they follow rules created by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Fee Structure 2021
For new student enrolling with the school the price would be Ksh 930,369
Annual Fee
- Age 3 Kindg. 1 Ksh 835,969
- Age 4 Kindg. 2 Ksh 835,969
- Age 5 Kindg. 3 Ksh 835,969
- Age 6 Grade 1 Ksh 885,230
- Age 7 Grade 2 Ksh 885,230
- Age 8 Grade 3 Ksh 885,230
- Age 9 Grade 4 Ksh 885,230
- Age 10 Grade 5 Ksh 885,230
- Age 11 Grade 6 Ksh 1,005,363
- Age 12 Grade 7 Ksh 1,005,363
- Age 13 Grade 8 Ksh 1,005,363
- Age 14 Grade 9 Ksh 1,005,363
- Age 15 Grade 10 Ksh 1,343,042
- Age 16 Grade 11 Ksh 1,343,042
- Age 17 Grade 12 Ksh1,343,042
Tel: +254 0202437714
Website: www.diderot.ac.ke
9. Deutsche Schule Nairobi/German School Nairobi (DSN)
It is among the best international schools offering the German curriculum, it was established to cater to the German expatriate kids.
Fee Structure 2021
- Age 1 Nursery 1 Ksh 858,143
- Age 2 Nursery 2 Ksh 858,143
- Age 3 Kindg 1 Ksh 933,128
- Age 4 Kindg. 2 Ksh 933,128
- Age 5 Kindg. 3 Ksh 933,128
Upper Class (Grade)
- Age 6 Grade 1 Ksh 1,397,698
- Age 7 Grade 2 Ksh 1,397,698
- Age 8 Grade 3 Ksh 1,397,698
- Age 9 Grade 4 Ksh 1,397,698
- Age 10 Grade 5 Ksh 1,638,214
- Age 11 Grade 6 Ksh 1,638,214
- Age 12 Grade 7 Ksh 1,638,214
- Age 13 Grade 8 Ksh 1,638,214
- Age 14 Grade 9 Ksh 1,638,214
- Age 15 Grade 10 Ksh 1,638,214
- Age 16 Grade 11 Ksh 1,638,214
- Age 17 Grade 12 Ksh 1,638,21
Tel: +254 721258417, +254733445685
Email: info@germanschool.co.ke
Website: https://dsnairobi.de/
10. International Schools of Kenya
ISK was founded in 1976 by the government of the United States and Canada, the school is a private and non-profit PreK-Grade 12 school. It is located in Nairobi, Peponi Road.
Fee Structure 2021
- Kindergarten: $ 26,870
- Grades 1 – 5 : $ 28,350
- Grades 6 – 8 : $ 29,625
- Grades 9 – 10 : $ 31,298
- Grades 11- 12 : $ 32,543
Tel: +254 (20) 2697442/ 8076067
Emails: info@aisa.or.ke.