Bus Fare Prices from Nairobi to Taita Taveta County

Traveling from Nairobi to Taita Taveta County takes you to a region with stunning landscapes, rich biodiversity, and a vibrant cultural heritage. This article will explore the major towns along the route from Nairobi to Taita Taveta County, matatu fare prices, and fun activities to do.

Bus and Matatu fare from Nairobi to Taita Taveta County

It is important to note that there is no direct bus or matatu from Nairobi to Taita Taveta County. When visiting Taita Taveta, one must board a Nairobi to Voi bus/matatu and then take a matatu to Taveta.

Bus and Matatu fare from Nairobi to Voi

Distance: 329.1 km

The journey takes: 5hrs 20 min

  • Dreamline Express LTD-To be confirmed
  • Bus Car-To be confirmed
  • Tahmeed-To be confirmed
  • Imani-To be confirmed
  • Spanish shuttle-To be confirmed
  • Coast Bus- Ksh 1000-1400
  • Simba coach-To be confirmed
  • Mash bus- Ksh 1000-1800
  • Transline Classic-To be confirmed
  • Naekana Sacco- Ksh1,300
  • Kinatwa Sacco- Ksh1,300

Nairobi to Emali

Distance: Approximately 124.3 kilometers

Enjoy birdwatching and wildlife spotting at Tsavo East National Park, home to diverse animal species, including elephants, lions, and giraffes.

Nairobi to Taita Taveta County

Emali to Voi

Distance: Approximately 203 kilometers

Voi is a bustling town located at the foothills of the Taita Hills. Voi serves as the gateway to the renowned Tsavo East National Park. Explore the park’s vast savannahs, spot wildlife on game drives, and witness iconic landmarks like the red elephants of Tsavo.

Voi to Wundanyi

Distance: Approximately 35 kilometers

Fare Range: 150-300 Kenyan shillings

Wundanyi is settled amidst the Taita Hills and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Explore the enchanting Sagalla Hill, hike up the challenging Wundanyi-Mbololo trail, and visit the Wundanyi Market to immerse yourself in the local culture.

Wundanyi to Taveta

Distance: Approximately 105.6 kilometers

Fare Range: 300-400 Kenyan shillings

Taveta is a town situated near the border with Tanzania. Taveta is known for its historical significance, as it was an important center for trade and transportation during the colonial era. Visit Lake Chala, a stunning crater lake straddling the Kenya-Tanzania border, and enjoy activities like hiking, swimming, and birdwatching.

Read also, List of 10 Interesting Things to Do in Taita Taveta County

Interesting activities to explore Taita Taveta County

1. Ngangao Forest

Discover the lush Ngangao Forest, located near Wundanyi. Go on a nature walk through the forest, where you can spot unique bird species and plants and perhaps even glimpse the rare Taita Apalis, a critically endangered bird.

2. Lumo Community Wildlife Sanctuary

Experience a community-led conservation initiative at Lumo Community Wildlife Sanctuary. Enjoy game drives and guided walks within the sanctuary, home to various wildlife, including elephants, giraffes, zebras, and more. Engage with local communities and learn about their efforts to protect the area’s natural heritage.

3. Salt Lick Lodge

Salt Lick Lodge, in Tsavo West National Park, offers a one-of-a-kind animal viewing experience. The resort overlooks a waterhole frequented by elephants, zebras, buffaloes, and other animals, offering an extraordinary chance to see wildlife from the comfort of your lodging.

Nairobi to Taita Taveta County

4. Mzima Springs

Visit Mzima Springs in Tsavo West National Park. Underground streams feed this crystal-clear water paradise, home to hippos, crocodiles, and various bird species. Take a nature stroll through the well-kept walkways and see the underwater observation room, where you may see hippos and fish.


Traveling from Nairobi to Taita Taveta County presents a rewarding journey through Kenya’s southeastern landscapes. From the wildlife-rich plains of Tsavo East National Park to the scenic hills of Wundanyi and the historical significance of Taveta, each town along the route offers its unique attractions. Taita Taveta County is a treasure trove of adventure and natural beauty, inviting you to explore its captivating offerings.

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