How To Register As A Professional Engineer In Kenya
To exercise engineering in Kenya and be honored as a mastermind, it’s necessary to register in both the Engineers Board of Kenya( EBK) and the Institution of Engineers of Kenya( IEK). EBK is a non-supervisory body performing from the Masterminds Act 2011 with unequivocal accreditation to regulate the engineering practice in the country.
The board interests itself in all aspects of engineering practice in Kenya, from the delegation of courses at the university position to the nonstop Professional Development( CPD) of masterminds. Included in the board of EBK are four individuals nominated from IEK, including the Chairman of the institution.
IEK, on the other hand, is the learned society of the Engineering Profession in Kenya. The institution aims to forefront the well-being of the occupation and development of the engineering profession in Kenya. The institution has been since 1972, backing masterminds and looking for ways to cover and ameliorate the practice of engineering in Kenya.
The main demand in enrollment is for a graduate mastermind to demonstrate that he has acquired sufficient knowledge and professional capability to work as an engineer
How To Register As A Professional Engineer In Kenya

Note that submission of operations and professional interview documents may be done online.
- Acquire the below qualifications
- EBK Registration as a graduate engineer
- At least three years of experience from your registration date as an engineer and worked under the supervision of a professional engineer.
2. Fill in the operation Form;
- The form is available online via this link https://www.ebk.go.ke/professional-engineer-registration/.
3. Attach the below-listed documents
- Original copies of Degree Certificate and other applicable academic instruments;
- Original National ID or Passport
- Graduate Engineer certificate from EBK
- Submit a certificate or receipt of application from IEK
- Well-written CV (Resume) certified by one qualified referee
- Two colored passport photos.
4. Payments
- Once you have all the required documents deposit KSh. 10,000 to EBK’s bank account.
5. Drop your operation together with the Bank Slip at the client Information office.
6. After review, the secretary will communicate with you if any changes are required
7. In the review section, the board will contact your referee and upon two responses the application will be forwarded to the chairman of the panel.
8. The panel will then do a technical evaluation and forward their suggestions to the board for approval of the submission of professional interview documents.
9. Once all is done the applicant will be notified and he/she will have at least one year to sit for the professional interview from the date of notification.
10. After sitting for the interview the results will be again submitted to the board for deliberations
11. If the interview went well, you will be notified through writing and a certificate will follow certifying you are a qualified engineer.