List of Microfinance Institutions in Kenya
The Banking and Finance industry is a rapidly growing industry in Kenya. That said, here is a list of all licensed Microfinance Institutions in the country.
These are institutions regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya that serve low-income consumers with financial services such as loans, savings, insurance, money transfers, and remittances. They primarily target the unemployed and small business owners who do not have access to standard banking systems.
Microfinance Institutions have played an important role in increasing access to financial services throughout Kenya in recent years. They complement commercial banks rather than competing with them by providing services to the Kenyan populace that does not have access to commercial banks.
List of Microfinance Institutions in Kenya
1. Caritas Microfinance Bank Limited
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. George Mugwe Maina
Postal Address: P. O. Box 15352 – 00100, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 5151500
Email: info@caritas-mfb.co.ke
Website: www.caritas-mfb.co.ke
Physical Address: Cardinal Maurice Otunga Plaza, Ground floor, Kaunda Street, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 02.06.2015
Branches: 2
2. Century Microfinance Bank Limited
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Reuben Mwangi
Postal Address: P. O. Box 38319 – 00623, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 2664282, 0722 – 168721, 0756 – 305132
Email: info@century.co.ke
Website: www.century.co.ke
Physical Address: K.K. Plaza, 1st Floor, New Pumwani Road – Gikomba, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 17.09.2012
Branches: 1
3. Choice Microfinance Bank Limited
Acting Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Stanley Kasyoka
Postal Address: P. O. Box 18263 – 00100, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 3882206 / 207, 0736 – 662218, 0724 – 308000
Email: info@choicemfb.com
Website: www.choicemfb.com
Physical Address: Siron Place, Ongata Rongai, Magadi Road, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 13.05.2015
Branches: 1
4. Daraja Microfinance Bank Limited
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Simon Gathecah
Postal Address: P.O. Box 100854 – 00101, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 3879995 / 0733 – 988888, 0707 – 444888, 0718 – 444888
Email: daraja@darajabank.co.ke
Website: www.darajabank.co.ke
Physical Address: Karandini Road, off Naivasha Road, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 12.01.2015
Branches: 1
Read Best Banks for a Car Loan in Kenya
5. Faulu Microfinance Bank Limited
Managing Director: Mr. Apollo Njoroge Nderitu
Postal Address: P. O. Box 60240 – 00200, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 3877290/3/7; 3872183/4; 3867503, 0711 – 074074, 0708 – 111000
Fax: +254-20-3867504, 3874875
Email: info@faulukenya.com, customercare@faulukenya.com, contact@faulukenya.com
Website: www.faulukenya.com
Physical Address: Faulu Kenya House, Ngong Lane – Off Ngong Road, Nairobi
Date Licenced: 21.05.2009
Branches: 39
6. Kenya Women Microfinance Bank Limited
Managing Director: Mr. James Mwangi Githaiga
Postal Address: P. O. Box 4179-00506, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 3067000, 2470272-5/2715334-5, 0729920920, 0732633332, 0703
– 067000
Email: info@kwftdtm.com
Website: www.kwftdtm.com
Physical Address: Akira House, Kiambere Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi
Date Licenced: 31.03.2010
Branches: 31
7. Rafiki Microfinance Bank Limited
Managing Director: Mr. Ken Obimbo
Postal Address: P. O. Box 12755 – 00400, Nairobi
Telephone: +254-020-2166401/0730 170 000/500
Email: info@rafiki.co.ke
Website: www.rafiki.co.ke
Physical Address: Rafiki House, Biashara Street, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 14.06.2011
Branches: 17
8. Remu Microfinance Bank Limited
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. David Gachui Irungu
Postal Address: P. O. Box 20833 – 00100, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 2214483/2215384/ 2215387/8/9, 2631070, 2215380,
2215384/5/7/8/9, 0733-554555
Email: info@remultd.co.ke
Website: www.remultd.co.ke
Physical Address: Finance House, 14th Floor, Loita Street, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 31.12.2010
Branches: 2
Read List of Commercial Banks Operating in Kenya.
9. SMEP Microfinance Bank Limited
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Symon Kamore
Postal Address: P. O. Box 64063 – 00620, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 3572799/2055761, 2673327/8, 0711606900
Email: info@smep.co.ke
Website: www.smep.co.ke
Physical Address: SMEP Building – Kirichwa Road, Off Argwings Kodhek Road, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 14.12.2010
Branches: 7
10. Sumac Microfinance Bank Limited
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. John Kamau Njihia
Postal Address: P. O. Box 11687 – 00100, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 2212587, 2210440, 2249047, 0738637245, 0725223499
Fax: 20 2210430
Email: info@sumacmicrofinancebank.co.ke
Website: www.sumacmicrofinancebank.co.ke
Physical Address: Consolidated Bank House, 2nd Floor, Koinange Street, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 29.10.2012
Branches: 3
11. U & I Microfinance Bank Limited
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Simon Mwangi Ngigi
Postal Address: 15825 – 00100, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 – 020 – 2367288, 0713 – 112791
Email: info@uni-microfinance.co.ke
Website: www.uni-microfinance.co.ke
Physical Address: Asili Complex, 1st Floor, River Road, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 08.04.2013
Branches: 1
12. Uwezo Microfinance Bank Limited
Acting Chief Executive Officer: Edward K. Mwithalii
Postal Address: 1654 – 00100, Nairobi
Telephone: 2212919, 0703591302
Email: info@uwezodtm.com
Website: www.uwezodtm.com
Physical Address: Rehani House, 11th Floor, Koinange Street, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 08.11.2010
Branches: 1
13. Maisha Microfinance Bank Ltd
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Ireneus Gichana
Postal Address: 49316 – 00100, Nairobi
Telephone: 020 222 0648 | 0736-028-982 | 0792-002-300
Email: info@maishamfbank.co.ke
Website: www.maishabank.com
Physical Address: Chester House, 2nd Floor, Koinange Street, Nairobi
Date Licensed: 21.05.2016
Branches: 1
14. Muungano Microfinance Bank PLC
EastEnd Mall | Fourth Floor | P.O Box 355 10218 | Kangari | Murang’a County.
Tel: 0706 974 747
Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke
Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke