Loreto Girls High School KCSE Results.
Loreto Girls High School is a public national school located in Katambani, Limuru, Kiambu County. The school was founded by Catholic sisters who had traveled to Kenya from Ireland to better the education of the girl child who at the time was left behind by the education system.
In 1986 the school launched the 8-4-4 curriculum offering the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education for the first time. The school was then categorized as a national school falling under Cluster 3 of national schools.
Being a national school, its performance has been competitive to make it one of the most desired schools by the girl child. Below is an analysis of their recent KCSE performance.
Loreto Girls High School KCSE Results.

For decades the school has been posting impressive performances with an average mean score of B+ for these years. From 2010 to 2015, the school had a constant mean score of B+ with a small deviation and increase in points. Below we have the full breakdown of the 2021 KCSE Results as it was among their average years where they managed to secure a mean score of B Plain (9.45) with 15 of their students attaining straight As and their least student in 2021 secured a D+.
KCSE Results 2021/22.
Grades No of Candidates
A 15
A- 72
B+ 82
B 68
B- 45
C+ 23
C 7
C- 2
D+ 1
D 0
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Candidates= 315
Total University Entries= 305
Loreto Girls High School KCSE School Code.
All the schools in Kenya have a KNEC number that identifies them. For Loreto Girls their Knec code is 11200005, while requesting results via a text or Knec portal the candidates are supposed to add their index number at the end of the school code eg, 11200005001.
School History

Lorete Girls was founded in the 1930s opening its doors to first students in 1936. The school was founded by Lorete sisters who were Catholic Missionaries from Ireland.
Sister S.M. Dolores Stafford, S.M. Theresa Joseph O’Sullivan, and S.M. Veronica Bradley were the founders as they believed in the vision of Mary Ward.
Mary Word was the founder of the Loreto Sisters and she believed through education, women soon would do great things in society.
They first introduced a primary school to prepare the girls to sit for the primary examination. The school started with 7 girls who didn’t stand the severe cold and mist of the area and they disappeared.
They later returned and sat for their primary school examination in 1938 and went on to join teachers’ training courses. In 1947, the school launched its secondary school class and its two students went on to pass the Senior Cambridge Certificate Examination.
Since its inauguration, the school has been a center of excellence and one of the best-performing schools in Kenya. The school has also undergone a massive transformation in terms of structure and student population.
In 1956, the school had only two streams with 56 students in both streams. Currently, the school has more than five streams with a population of above 700 students and over 40 teaching staff.
The school is under the sponsorship of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi.