Lugulu Girls KCSE Results
Lugulu Girls is one best-performing public national schools in the category of girls, located at the heart of Bungoma County, Webuye town. The school is classified as a cluster 1 national school despite it being one of the oldest schools in the country established in 1913.
Their stellar performance year in and year out contributed a lot to their promotion from provincial schools now Extra County Schools to national schools. The school has established itself as a center of academic excellence and despite KNEC putting a stop to school ranking back in 2018, their mean grades always rank in the list of top 50 best-performing schools in Kenya.
In this article, we highlight their recent years’ performances as well as their rich history.
Lugulu Girls KCSE Results

KCSE Results 2023/24
The 2023 KCSE had the highest number of As compared to 2022, 1,216 of 899,453 managed to secure A plains. However, of the same number of candidates, 48,174 luck was not on their side as they went home with a mean grade of E. While a huge number of students recorded an E grade, Lugulu Girls only missed one position in their entry. The school had 605 students and 604 scored above C+ while the remaining candidates scored a C plan. Below is the full analysis.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 1
A- 64
B+ 199
B 234
B- 84
C+ 22
C 1
C- 0.
D+ 0
D 0
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Entry= 604
University Entry 604
KCSE Results 2021/22
While their 2022 results remain unclear, in 2021 the school recorded one their best mean score of 9.4 which represents a B plain. This was a bit higher compared to 2023 where they recorded 9.3.
The number of As was also impressive taking it to five but to balance all grades, 57 students out of 403 missed University grades after they failed to secure a C+ and above. Below is the full analysis of the 2021 exams.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 5
A- 109
B+ 151
B 38
B- 47
C+ 30
C 14
C- 5.
D+ 38
D 1
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Entry= 403
University Entry 345
Lugulu Girls Background.
The history of Lugulu girls can be traced back to 1913 when it was established as a mixed primary school by the Quaker Missionaries when they visited Lugulu. Being founded by Quaker Missionaries, the school was under the management and sponsorship of Friends same as the Friends School Kamusinga.
In 1953, the school underwent a huge transition, admitting only girls after all the boys were phased out. After becoming a girl’s primary school, in 1955 the school transitioned again to becoming a boarding school for girls.
Eight years later, the primary was also phased out paving the way for the secondary school. This gave birth to Lugulu Girls High School earning a category of Provincial school.
In 2011, the then Minister of Education gave a directive to promote some of the provincial schools that were posting impressive performance to National School.
Initially, the country only had 18 national schools, and following the 2011 promotion that also led to the promotion of Lugulu Girls, Kenya now has over 100 national secondary schools that are categorized in clusters.
Being the best performing, the school always aims at admitting students from all counties but their priority is the students with higher primary grades and students’ background is normally not their concern.