Nairobi School KCSE Results
The Nairobi School is a public national secondary school located in Nairobi Kenya and falls under Cluster Three of the national schools that represent the 18 national schools that have been in existence for over 30 years.
The school has been ranked as one of the best schools countrywide and has been fighting to maintain its run in the top 100 best-performing schools in Kenya. In our article, we highlight their recent performances, admission as well as their background.
Nairobi School KCSE Results

KCSE Results 2022/23
For numerous years the school has been averaging a mean score of above 9. 2022 was among their best years earning a mean score of 9.54 and a pass rate of 94.63%. The school was ranked 36th best school country-wide. Below is the full analysis of the 2022 KCSE results.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 39
A- 120
B+ 137
B 90
B- 54
C+ 36
C 17
C- 2
D+ 2
D 1
D- 0
E 0
X 2
Y 0
Total Candidates= 503
University Entry= 467
KCSE Results 2021/22
In 2021, the school had a small deviation in its mean grade compared to what it had secured the previous year. In 2021 the school earned a mean score of 9.0, however, the school secured a better national ranking standing at position 30 better than in 2022 where they were ranked 36. On top of that, they also increased the number of students who scored As and A minuses with a quite reasonable number. Below is the analysis of that year.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 28
A- 113
B+ 114
B 77
B- 82
C+ 47
C 31
C- 18
D+ 11
D 3
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Candidates= 526
University Entry= 461
KCSE Results 2020/21
In 2020 the school had a smaller number of candidates compared to 2021 and 2022. With a total of 374 entries, the school managed to earn a 93.85% pass rate with 351 attaining the University Grade. Their mean score that year was 9.4102. Below is the full analysis of the 2020 KCSE results.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 22
A- 88
B+ 90
B 78
B- 78
C+ 27
C 13
C- 7
D+ 1
D 0
D- 1
E 0
X 1
Y 0
Total Candidates= 374
University Entry= 351
Nairobi School History and Notable Alumni

Nairobi School popularly known as Patch was founded in 1902 by the British settler to serve the European community. In 1925 Lord Delamere and Sir Edward Grigg advocated for the establishment of a boys’ school to separate them from the girls.
In 1928 the plan of a new school was commissioned by Sir Herbert Baker, a plan which was similar to Winchester School in England the same school Lord Delamere attended.
In 1931, the school officially opened its doors with a new name, “Prince of Wales School” but its suggested name at first was Kabete Boys. With the new changes, in 1938 the European School Nairobi was renamed to The European Girls’ Secondary School now Kenya High which later moved to Kileleshwa.
At first, the school was designed to host 80 boys after its inauguration it ended up hosting 84 boarders and 20-day boys. The population kept growing with time and the school kept expanding their facilities to accommodate these students. Currently, the school hosts over 1100 students and it’s one of the most desired boys schools meaning they receive thousands of applications every year but their admissions are very tight as they can’t admit more than 500 students in a single year.
Just like Lenana School Nairobi School also stands out as one of the special schools that had the Cadet training program. The training was complete paramilitary training with all the equipment on board including guns, an armory, a parade, and ammunitions. Interested candidates could later join the armed forces after completing their high school education.
The school has produced some of high-profile politicians in Kenya including the current Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi.