Nyambaria High School KCSE Results
Nyambaria High School is a boys’ public national secondary school located in Nyamira County in a hilly neighborhood known as “London.” The school was founded in 1966 by Seventh-day Adventist Church becoming part of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church’s worldwide educational system.
Unlike other national schools, the school started as a small institution with few dormitories and few classrooms. However, with time Nyambaria High School has grown to become one of the biggest names in Kenya’s education sector both in terms of infrastructure and academics.
From a few classrooms, Nyambaria High School now boasts well-structured classrooms adding up to 21 and 14 dormitories. Currently, their population has expanded to over 2000 students, and following their impressive performances the number of applicants has been rising beyond their capacity.
Just like other national schools for them to keep up the good performance year after year, they have to select the best candidates from primary schools. This makes their admission more competitive and for a parent to secure a place in this school their children have to score high grades in their KCPE Results.
Being a Christian-based church, all students take religion classes each year and Christian teachings are taken seriously in the school premises. The classes they cover include topics in biblical history, Christianity, and denominational doctrines. Tutors start their classes with a word of prayer or a short devotional thought.
The School is among the underrated national secondary schools in Kenya and they rarely rank in the top ten list regularly countrywide but rank in a better position at the County level.
In this article, we highlight their KCSE results for the recent years.
Nyambaria High School KCSE Results

KCSE Results 2022/23
Despite being among the underrated national schools, in 2022 Nyambaria High School surprised everyone after it beat all odds to bring the academic giants like Mang’u high down securing the first position for the first time in their history.
The school skyrocketed from a mean grade of 9.3086 to a mean grade of 10.8975. This was not the only achievement they accomplished, the school also managed to secure a 100% university entry with their lowest student scoring a B plain.
While 28 students scored an A plain, 383 students fell under the A- category and the remaining number secured a B+ and B plain. This stamped a new record in the school becoming the first time to lead the KCSE in Kenya and transitioning all entries to University. Below is the breakdown of the 2022/23 KCSE analysis.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 28
A- 383
B+ 76
B 1
B- 0
C+ 0
C 0
C- 0
D+ 0
D 0
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Candidates= 488
University Entry= 488
KCSE Results 2021/22
In 2021 they performed quite well but they never managed to secure a 100% University entry they were lucky to secure 98.7931% taking 573 of 580 candidates to the University. They ranked in the top 20 list of the best school that year. Below is the analysis for the 2021/22 year.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 4
A- 79
B+ 226
B 129
B- 78
C+ 57
C 5
C- 1
D+ 0
D 1
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Candidates= 580
University Entry= 573
KCSE Results 2020/21
Grade No. of Candidates
A 1
A- 67
B+ 103
B 144
B- 144
C+ 76
C 25
C- 7
D+ 2
D 0
D- 1
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Candidates= 543
University Entry= 503