Requirements For a Private Pilot License in Kenya
Flying planes is considered one of the coolest jobs in the world, however, not everyone is eligible to secure this job. The theory surrounding the industry is that only the rich can afford the training, but in reality, even people from humble beginnings have also managed to succeed in this industry but 90% of them depend on sponsorships.
Speaking of pilot licenses just like driving where a driving license is required to certify that you’re qualified to drive, even a pilot needs a license that declares he’s eligible to fly and the type of planes he/she is supposed to fly.
In the aviation industry, there are two types of licenses, commercial license and private license. Both of the licenses are issued by the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCCA). This article highlights the requirement of securing a Private Airman License in Kenya. Kenya Civil Aviation Authority( KCCA) is the body that’s commanded to regulate and oversee aeronautics safety, provision of air navigation services, and training of the aeronautics labor force.
As stated earlier, among the licenses that KCCA issues is the Private Airman License which allows one to fly an aeroplane and carry passengers but not for paid compensation or hire. This license serves as your foundation course on a pathway to a Commercial Pilot’s License and is mostly pursued by students who are looking forward to shaping their aviation career. Below are the requirements for this kind of license.
Requirements For a Private Pilot License in Kenya

An aspirant shall;
1. Be about 17 times of age for a license other than the operation of a glider or balloon.
2. Be at least 16 times of age for a license in a glider or balloons.
3. Be in possession of a valid class 2 medical instrument.
4. Admit a countersign for the knowledge test in the pupil airman’s logbook from an authorized educator who;
- Conducted the training on the needed aeronautical knowledge area that applies to the aircraft order sought.
- Certified that you’re knowledgeable in the said training.
5. Pass the needed PPL knowledge test.
6. One should also meet the aeronautical experience that applies to the aircraft order and class standing sought before applying for the practical test. The conditions are well developed on the PPL operation form available on KCCA.
7. Admit flight training and a logbook countersign from an authorized educator who; Conducted training in the needed areas of operation for the standing being sought.
8. Pass a practical test- PPL( GFT) done by an authorised monitor.
9. Pass the English language proficiency test with either of the following;
- functional position 4, valid for 3 times.
- Extended position 5 valid for 6 times.
- Expert position 6 is valid for life.
- operation Conditions
Application Requirements
- A completely filled PPL operation form.
- A valid medical instrument class 2.
- Submit 4 photos of full face( note they must be 2 cm by 2.5 cm).
- Present a print identity card, passport, or birth certificate.
- You should also hand certified copies of the last 2 pages of the airman logbook.
- Payment of the prescribed freights- Kshs 2,000 for those below 40 times and Kshs 1,000 for those above 40 times.