Sironga Girls High School KCSE Results
Sironga Girls is one of the two national schools found in Nyamira County sitting in the same county as academic giants Nyambaria Boys. The school also stands out as one of the best schools located in the Abagusii land. The school competes hand in hand with the likes of Kebirigo Boys, Moi Gemususu, and others.
The national schools in Kenya are categorized into three different clusters, Clusters 1 and 2 which carry the schools that were promoted from Extra-County schools while Cluster 3 carries the 18 schools that were established as national schools since the departure of the colonial ruler.
Sironga Girls sits in the second cluster, in our article we highlight their recent performance in recent years.
Sironga Girls High School KCSE Results

KCSE Results 2023/24
In 2023, the school posted an impressive performance earning a mean grade of 8.01, a better performance compared to their 2022 performance where they scored a mean grade of 7.69. Additionally, the school also recorded an improvement in their pass rate recording a pass rate of 89%, 12% more than what they had earned in 2022. Below is the grade distribution for 2023.
Grade Entries
A 0
A- 7
B+ 39
B 133
B- 167
C+ 115
C 46
C- 10
D+ 2
D 0
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Entries= 519
University Entries= 461
KCSE Results 2022/23
The 2022 year was rough for the Maroon girls compared to the previous year. Despite recording two strong As the school also recorded a drop in the mean score, falling from 8.76 in 2021 to 7.69 in 2022. The pass rate was also affected dropping from 98% to 77%. However, the school still managed to rise in the 2023 exams going back to their average range. Below is the analysis fo the results.
Grade Entries
A 2
A- 12
B+ 33
B 58
B- 55
C+ 81
C 42
C- 24
D+ 7
D 0
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Entries= 314
University Entries= 241
KCSE Results 2021/22
2021 marked one of their best academic year sending 98% of their students to the University. The school also went on to record a slight margin in the mean score from 8.209 in 2021 to 8.76 in 2022. Of 459 students who sat for the exams that year, 33 students managed to earn the higher grade of A- and above. Below is the distribution of that year.
Grade Entries
A 3
A- 30
B+ 74
B 164
B- 99
C+ 81
C 6
C- 1
D+ 1
D 0
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Entries= 459
University Entries= 452
Sironga Girls High School History

Sironga Girls well known as “Maroon Girls” was founded in 1968 in Sironga Village, Bogichora Ward located in West Mugirangi Constituency, Nyamira County. Their roots start with the Seventh Day Adventists which implanted strong Christian values to the school.
Before independence Gusii region was among the regions that had neglected the girl child education until 1965 when the likes of Nyabururu Girls were founded. In 1968, the Sironga community, under the initiative of Pastor Johnson Ageki Mainda Omenge founded the Girls’ school with SDA as the sponsor.
Since there was no physical structure to accommodate the girls, the primary headmaster at the time Peterson Meroke availed one classroom. 45 girls were admitted and the school began in February 1968.
With the contribution of the community and other well-wishers, the primary school was relocated handing over the rest of the structure to the secondary school in 1975. To make it a boarding school temporary structures were set up to serve as dormitories.
Since then the school has grown to become one of the biggest schools in Kenya hosting over 1500 students.