Truthwatchdog’s Journey From Kakamega To An Influential Tik Toker
Antony Macloud Mulla, also known as the Truth Watchdog, is both beloved and despised. To his devoted followers, he exposes frauds and other societal evils. To his critics, he is an irritation trying to smear their reputations and enterprises.
His story, as given by Jambo Daily
Age and Birthday
He was born in Kakamega to an army general father. This does not mean that their lives were easy.
When he was only three months old, his mother abandoned him and left him with his twin sister. His grandma and aunties raised Tik Toker.
Philip, his older brother, was also always there for him. Despite his brother’s youth, he always looked after him. His father had died from intoxication.
Education Background
He began secondary school at Ofafa Jericho before winning a national public speaking competition. As a result of his exploit, he received a scholarship to Cardinal Otunga Boys High School, where he completed his high school education.
Relationship with his mother
He admitted to POV Podcast Kenya that he was never interested in looking for his mother till later in life.
While at school, he observed other pupils being visited by their parents, which piqued his interest in seeing his own mother. His father would only give him Ksh50 for pocket money at the time, despite the fact that he was a general and his school expenses were covered by the school.
To make ends meet, he washed people’s clothes. The Truthwatchdog recalls asking one of the teachers, who also happened to be their school mother, for financial assistance during midterm break. He was 17 years old at the time.
Anthony utilized the money to search for a relative of his mother. They confused him for his older brother, and once he explained who he was, they gave him his mother’s contact information.
When he identified himself as Antony Maclaud, she stated she didn’t know him. It took some time for her to recall him after he told her he was his second son. She grew overjoyed and promised to go meet him.
While they waited for his mother, his family butchered chicken for him. She never showed up. Then she promised to meet him somewhere in Kakamega Town. He went to wait for her, but she didn’t show up once again.
He knew it was a useless effort as the midterm break came to a close and fled. He lost interest in seeing his mother after that and moved on with his life.
Truth Watchdoh Crime
In a separate interview, Dr. King’ori recounted how he became involved in crime at a young age. He hung out with criminals and eventually got entangled.
He saw some of his buddies murdered at this time, yet he persisted. He gave up criminality when he was 14 or 15 years old, after his father intervened.
Serving in the Army
The father of two boys was drafted into the army and served in Somalia for a spell. In various interviews, he has stated that life was difficult for him and that he eventually left due to Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
While speaking on Jay Rosales’ channel, he said that they were once captured by militants and tortured before his comrades were killed. He was the only survivor and was left with injuries and asked to pass a message that that was what would happen to other soldiers who dared to encroach their territory.
In a different interview, he said at one point, they stepped on a landmine and most of them died. Once again, he was a survivor and almost lost his testicles.
He revealed in an interview with Nicholas Kioko how the life of a serviceman was very difficult. It was lonely and full of uncertainty. He said this is why most military men end up drinking and wasting their money only to end up destitute after leaving the army.
Upon leaving the army, he ventured into chicken rearing.
Exposing Fraud
Speaking on Obinna TV, he explained how he started exposing evil so that people can be aware. He first revealed how he had been conned out of his pocket money by the people in town who often lure others to play money games saying if you give a certain amount you may win more money or gifts.
A few years ago, he would watch an old woman in town cry in desperation after she was conned. This gave him the idea to start warning Kenyans to be safe. He helped the woman and took a video of the encounter and posted it online.
It blew up. Truthwatchdog went from hundreds of views on Tik Tok to hundreds of thousands as his followers also shot up. He then started receiving calls from Kenyans to expose others. Others sent him money to appreciate his good work.
This made him see it was a worthwhile venture. It also helped that he had first-hand knowledge of how thieves operate.
The Truthwatchdog has exposed those people in Nairobi lying to people they have won t-shirts, the ones who sell SIM cards yet it is just a font for stealing and those who sell fake land on jiji and other places.
He explained how at one point he saved a woman from spending almost two million on a fake land deal. To show appreciation, she sent him Ksh100,000.
He says the thieves are sometimes backed by Powerful people because even after reporting them nothing happens. Others are used as a way to launder money.
He has also exposed the corruption of police officers and servicemen. However, he says he does not blame them as the system contributes to this.
They have low salaries and at times, their bosses set a specific target of the money they want a police officer to collect. Failure often results in consequences, such as being transferred to harsh areas.
Apart from this, the Truthwatchdog has also exposed various celebrities and Tik Tokers. He says most of them, especially those promoting forex, are thieves.
Their intention is simply to lie to unsuspecting Kenyans. He says most don’t even own some of the cars they flaunt online and their Mpesa Messages are scripted.
Despite the risk that comes with such expose, he has maintained that he is ready to pay the price but stand with the truth. He has even lost his YouTube channel more than once but he continues to push through. His channel Watchdog Ke has over 9k subscribers and substantial videos.